Almaverde Bio frozen vegetables, free of added oil and salt, prove an indispensable ally in the kitchen when time for grocery shopping and meal preparation is limited.

Their quality comes from the fact that they are harvested during the optimal growing season, such as broccoli in winter and asparagus in spring. This results in a higher content of protective compounds and lower pesticide residues than vegetables grown in greenhouses or from distant locations. The organic certification of Almaverde BIO vegetables is an added value, ensuring fewer pesticides, more antioxidants and, as a result, superior benefits for the body.

Almaverde Bio offers a wide range of vegetables, for all tastes, carefully selected to ensure the best quality. From rosette broccoli to fine green beans, from fine peas to asparagus tips, from leaf-on-leaf spinach to rosette cauliflower. The range also includes vegetable mixes such as Fantasia dell’orto mixed vegetables, Julienne tris mixed vegetables, minestrone, and the brand new Grilled vegetables with carrots, offering convenience and time savings with vegetables already cut and ready for recipes.

Almaverde Bio’s frozen vegetables keep their nutritional and organoleptic properties intact thanks to an industrial process that involves brief blanching before freezing at high temperatures. This method, along with rapid blast chilling, ensures quality and reduces cooking time at home, unlike home freezing, which could compromise flavor, color and texture.

Versatile in culinary preparations, vegetables can be used as a side dish, a condiment for pasta dishes, vegetable patties, pie fillings, soups, and velvety soups. Being natural, they can then be customized by adding oil, lemon, salt and pepper.

Another versatile and healthy product, particularly welcome in winter, are Almaverde Bio’s creamy-soups, free of added salt and oil. Carrot and pumpkin and vegetable mixes creamy-soups are a healthy winter comfort food and an effective strategy for encouraging children to eat more vegetables.

For a complete meal, you can combine vegetables with:

  • a source of carbohydrates such as cooked grain cereals (spelt, barley, rice) or bread croutons
  • a source of protein such as parmesan cheese, canned legumes or Almaverde Bio frozen peas
  • a source of fat such as extra virgin olive oil.

The addition of iodized salt is possible, but in moderation.

With these products, among  frozen vegetables and frozen creamy-soups , it is easy to reach the recommended 2-3 servings of vegetables per day, thus ensuring a balanced intake of fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Dott.ssa Alice Cancellato
Biologa nutrizionista iscritta all’Albo dei biologi sez.A
IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele di Milano, centro scienza della natalità